You may pay by any major credit card. Just add each item desired to your cart, during checkout just choose Credit Card in the drop down menu then simply follow instructions.
Just add each item desired to your cart, during checkout just choose PayPal in the drop down menu then simply follow instructions.
YES! See next question below
We accept checks, Money orders and cashiers checks. All personal checks will be held until it clears our bank before shipment. If you use our cart system choose money order in the drop down menu and it will give any more information needed! Please enclose Email address, Products ordered & Mailing address along with payment. Make all checks payable to Blessed Business pursuits. Our checkout system will provide address to mail payments to.
Delivery confirmation is mandatory and automatically added at no charge to you. If you never received a tracking # please feel free to request it by email and we will be glad to send it to you.
Make all checks payable to Blessed Business pursuits
All orders are shipped via USPS First class mail, please check your tracking # for more information.
If you are experiencing issues with your Trigger Cannon please contact us about an exchange at We also accept returns of unused items within 30 days of purchase, if you are not satisfied.
Yes, if you have trouble or no way to purchase online, please feel free to call us (865) 454-8905. Otherwise it is much faster and easier for you to use our cart system for any method of payments.
Tracking #s are automatically added to your order at no cost to you and you will receive your tracking # Via email as soon as package is prepared. This is done with EVERY order.
We normally will ship all orders within 2 working days of receiving payment. Order processed may take longer in May & June due to volume.
All orders will be shipped via USPS First Class Mail. You may pay an extra $5.00 to expedite your order to Priority Mail.
Yes, we currently ship to the United States and Canadian. If you are outside these countries please contact us at for more information.
Please under no circumstances no one under 18 years of age can order from our site. By purchasing our products you testify you are 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 get your parents permission and get them to order for you.
All receipts are included in the box with every order. We also email a copy once an order is complete.